Saturday, September 3, 2011

Motion Analysis: Why do I need to learn the right move?

Motion and mobility have always been part of normal human behavior. In fact, it is the core of most activities that involve human pursuit. Because of this, a specific branch of medicine was created just to study human kinetics so that medical practitioners can readily study the right way people should move.

Athletes are the prime beneficiary of this branch of medicine because with the result from the motion analysis, professional sports medicine practitioners can assess and identify the correct posture that a particular athlete must have to execute a sports technique.

Human kinetics, just like all branches of medicine is geared to prevent any injuries and damage. But they are also well-trained to repair and rehabilitate in cases where injuries cant be avoided. Medical practitioners trained in sports medicine do not only train in orthopedics but also in human kinetics.

These trainings enable them to manage injuries, whether they are sports oriented or not. They can also help you design a game plan that will include assessment of your posture, stride and balance so that they can devise a program that will help you bring out your potentials.

All sports medicine practitioners are concern about your over-all health and particularly aim to improve your athletic performance. You can visit Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine if you live within the Asheboro, NC area. They will be happy to answer all your questions.

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