The knee is the largest joint in the human body. With bones, ligaments, tendons, bursa, muscles and cartilage making up the human knee, there are a multitude of possible reasons for knee pain. Because our knees take so much wear and tear, they are more susceptible to injury and overuse. For athletes, the potential for injury to the knee is even higher. If you are experiencing knee pain, it is important to be seen by an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee and other joint problems.
Knee arthroscopy
Many knee problems can be solved through physical therapy, anti-inflammatory injections and other non-surgical methods. For some patients, however, knee surgery is required. With knee arthroscopy, the surgeon is able to make a small incision in the knee, insert a tiny camera and determine the exact source of the problem. Through this same procedure, the surgeon may be able to fix a torn meniscus, repair ACL or PCL injuries, realign knee caps, remove a Baker’s cyst or perform other needed work. With less cutting, the recovery can be much quicker. When the surgeon is able to get to the exact area requiring repair, less tissue is affected.
Minimally invasive knee replacement
If a patient requires a full knee replacement, perhaps due to arthritis, subvastus knee replacement, or quad sparing knee replacement are possible options. In these surgeries, the surgeon makes a much smaller incision than those made in traditional knee replacement surgeries. The location of the incision allows the surgeon to replace the knee without cutting through the thigh muscle and other tissue. This is important in decreasing the recovery time and pain experienced with traditional knee replacement. Many patients who have minimally invasive knee replacement are able to walk without the assistance of a walker or cane in days instead of weeks.
When to consider knee surgery
Before considering knee surgery, a good orthopedic doctor at Asheboro, North Carolina, Randolph Orthopedics, will take a full medical history and conduct a thorough examination of the patient. In addition, the best doctors of Asheboro, North Carolina, Randolph Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Clinic will try non-surgical treatment methods first, if at all possible. Knee surgery may become a consideration if your knee pain affects your daily activities, causes pain that interferes with sleep, and does not respond to non-surgical treatment.
If you have been suffering from knee pain, now is the time to make an appointment with the orthopedic doctors at the Randolph Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic Call 336-626-2688 today.
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Knee Replacement